C++ Glossary

Ch- 4
Wide Char:
Wide Char is an enhanced type of the simple char data type. Where the wide char is capable to hold some chararacter which does not come under ASCII format. (e.g. some kind of Japaneese characters).

The size of the wide char is  4 bytes.

Syntax: wchar_t <var name>
Bool datatype:
Bool data type is capable to hold both true as well as false.  Its similar to  C.

String datatype:
String is a dataype in cpp which is capable to hold the strings directly, which reduces the complexity of declaration of arrays. Also declaration of array of any data type is allowed as well.
syntax: string <var name>
example: string arr

ch- 8:
Control Statements:
It can classified into two types
a) conditional control statements
example:for, while, do-while
b)non conditional conrol statements
example: break,continue, goto
Note: 1)The body of for loop is simple and at one place we can find intialization,conditon check , ++/- - when compared with while loop.
2)Difference between while and do-while is that ,the do-while execute the statements at least once where as while is based on the condition of the statement.
3)Switch statement is similar to nested if statement . For code optimaztion prefer switch within another switch statement.(for single switch statement traversing the condition will take more).

scope:The scope of a variable is the area of program ,where variable is valid.
Broadly scope classified into different categeories
i)Block scope
ii)Function scope
iii)File scope
Purpose: For hiding the data ,reuse of variable

Storage class: It is of two types. a)storage class specifier b)storage class modifiers
Storage class specifies where to allocate memory for variables i.e heap, stack, register etc.
The storage class specifiers are auto, extern , static ,global
Note:The extern and static can be applied for functions. By default function is extern.
Stroage class modifiers(qualifiers) specifies the compiler how to access these variables
The storage class qualifiers are const ,volatile.
Namespace: A namespace is an abstract container or environment created to hold a logical grouping of unique identifier or symbols (i.e., names).
The namespace should be access by using the command given below
using namespace Name_of_Namespace;
The other way access name space is using the ::(scope resolution operator)
i.e name_of_namespace::variable_name;
Namespace syntax:
namespace namespace_name
//body of namespace
Namespace alias:
namespace namesapce_name=alias_name;
Note: A namespace without identifer is know as unnamed namespace
Struct: It is collection of disimilar elements. It of two types a)packed structure(bit members) and b)un packed structure
Example for packed struct:
struct item
unsigned int list:1; // True if item is in the list
unsigned int seen:1; // True if this item has been seen
unsigned int number:14; // Item number
Example of unpacked struct:
struct item
int a;
float b;
Note:In c++ struct also includes member functions which by default public.
Union:It is similar to struct. Single memory location can be given to different member variables i.e single copy of memory for different variables.
Class: Class is a collection of member functions and member variables.
By default the members of class are private.
class class_name
//members vraibales and functions

Friend function and class:
Friend fuction: A function which is not member of class but need to access the private data of that class. Then this function should be declared as friend to that class.
So that it can access the private date members.
class student
int m1,m2,m3;
get_mark();//input m1,m2, m3
friend void avg( student s) ;
void avg(student s )
int avg=(s.m1+s.m2+s.m3)/3; //here u r accessing the private members of a class
int main()
student st;
avg( st);
Friend class: In order to access the private data members of main class in external class ,we need to declare external class as friend in the main class
class secret
int a;
friend class lok; //friend for class lok
class lok
secret s;
lok(int x) // constructor
{ s.a = x; }
void printout()
{ cout << s.a << endl; }
lok t(4);
const data member and functions:
const function: The const keyword is used for function to declare it as a const function so that the variables within this function can't be modified.
Syntax and example:
class test
int set_const()const; // A read-only functiot
void get_data( int mn ); // A write function; can't be const
int month;

int test::set_const() const
return month; // Doesn't modify anything
void test::get_data( int mn )
month = mn; // Modifies data member
int main()
int n;
test t;
t.get_data(12) ; // Okay
n= t.set_const() ;// Okay
t.get_data(34); // Error ,it is const
Note: const can't overload constructors and destructors

const data members:
In side the class ,class data members can be declared but can't be intialized
so they should be initilized either out side the class (global) or with different
syntax for constructor in that class shown below.
const int data_size = 1024; //global initlization
class data_list {
const int data_size; // Number of items in the list
// ... rest of the class
[ or ]
class data_list {
const int data_size;
data_list( ) : data_size(1024) { //using constructor
Static data members and functions:
static data members:In classes static data members can be declared but can't be initialized. Ther is special sytax to initalize static variables is as shown below
int stack::stack_count = 0; //intialization
class stack {
static int stack_count; //declaration
int count;
Static member function:Static member functions only access only static member data and static member function.Static member functions are very limited. They can't access nonstatic member variables or functions in the class
class test
static int count;
int value;
static int test_count()
value++ ; // invalid because non static member
cout<<"count increment="<<count<<endl;
return count;
} ;
int test::count=0;

const pointer: A const pointer is the pointer whose address can't be changed. The given example simplifies this
char a[10]=”msys” , b[10]=”Tech”
char *const ptr=a;
ptr=b; //error u r modifing the address stored in it which is illegal
*ptr=”Tech”; // here u r not changing the address but put the value in that address
Note:1) on pointer variables ,we can't perform multification and divsion
2)pointer variables can't be added or subtracted
i.e int *ptr1, *ptr2, *ptr;
ptr=ptr1+ptr2; //illegal operations
ptr=ptr1-ptr2; //illegal operations
3)pointer variable addition or subtraction with numbers(int i=3,char c=-2) is possible if the number is valid one.
4)Using more pointers concepts leads to programm optimization and performance in terms of speed.
Reinterpret_cast: Reinterpret_cast converts any pointer type to any other pointer type, even of unrelated classes. With this casting bit values will not be changed where as static cast bit values is will be changed.
			class A {};
			class B {};
			A * a = new A;
			B * b = reinterpret_cast<B*>(a);
Predefined I/O class varibles:
cin console input (standard input)
cout console output (standard output)
cerr console error (standard error)
clog console log
End of line:
In C++, end of line can be done by "\n" and also it supports a new type i.e. "<<endl"
cout<<"Welcome to Cpp"<<endl;
printing to stdout:
In cpp we can print a data stream to the standard out (console) by using the function “cout” and the overloaded operator “<<”.
cout<<”Welcome to cpp\n”;
getting input through standard input:
like the printing to standard out is quiet differnt from C language, taking input is also the same.
So the input can be given using “cin” and “>>”
cin>>i; //will wait to take the input for the variable i
Files:A file is a collection of related data. C++ treats a file as a series of bytes.
They are two type of operation , a)Binary and b)ASCII
The different modes of operation on the files are a)ostream b)istream and c)fstream
The file operations on files includes
a)open file
b)read file
c)write file
d)close file etc.
int main()
string bufw,bufr;
fstream myfile(“file_name.txt” , ios::in,ios::out)
cout<<”enter the string”<<endl;
cout<<”read the data from file”<<bufr<<end;
  1. Operator over loading is a new concept invented for OOPs
  2. In case of object, if we need to make some mathematical operations (e.g. Addition, substraction etc etc) with the given objects thn we can't do those operations simply by using the operators.
  3. For the we need overload the perticular operator.
  4. Syntax:
      return_type class_name::operator symbol (arguments)
void Simple::operator+(int)
Keyword new:
it returns the starting address of the memory on success
Keyword Delete:
This key word is used to delete the dynamic allocated memory.
(new and delete are same as malloc and free respectively as in C)
Derived class:It is the sub class which inherits some/all the properites of base class.
Syntax: base class
//data members
//member functions
class sub_class :public base class {
Purpose:Resuse of code
Virtual Function: A virtual function or virtual method is a function whose behaviour can be overridden within an inheriting class by a function with the same signature.It supports the polymorphism.
class base
virtual void display()
class derived : public base
void display()
int main()
base *ptr = new derived();
Note:1)A class with at least one pure virtual function is called abstract class.
virtualvoid draw() = 0; //pure virtual function }
Virtual class:A virtual class is an inner classs that can be overridden by subclass of the outer class
class room {
// ....
class garage_part : virtual public room {
// ....
class office_part : virtual public room {
// ....
public small_repair_shop: public office_part, garage_part
// ...
Function hiding: A derived/base class may hide a member function declared in its base/derived class by using the same function name, but with a different signature, or list of arguments.
class simple {
int do_it(int i, int j) { return (i*j); }
float do_it(float f) { return (f*2);}
class derived: public simple {
int do_it(int i, int j) { return (i+j); }
int main( )
derived test; // Define a class for our testing
int i; // Test variable
float f; // Test variable
i = test.do_it(1, 3); // Legal; returns 4 (1 + 3)
// f = test.do_it(4.0); // Illegal; "do_it(float)" not defined in
} // the class "derived"
constructor and Destructor: define
constructor:A function name same as the class name then it is a constructor.
Contructor will not have return type. Constructor can be overloaded with different signature.
Types: a)Default constructor
b)Paramertized constructor
c)Copy consturctor
Note:1)Constructors and destructors behave differently from normal member functions, especially when used with derived classes. When a derived-class variable is created, the constructor for the base class is called first, followed by the constructor for the derived class.
2)If no constructor is defined ,c++ invokes a default constructor, which allocates memory for the object but does not intialize.
class msys
msys() //default constuctor
// fun'c def.
msys(int a,int b) //parameterized constructor
//fun'c def.
msys(msys&) //copy constructor
Destructor: It is similar to destructor but proceeded with ~(tilde charcter).
class msys
Note:1)The hierarchical calling method for constructor is from base to derived class.
2)The hierarchical calling mehtod for destructor is from derived to base class.
But this hierarchical can be changed by using virtual destructor.
Dynamic_cast Operator:The dynamic_cast operator can be used to change a pointer or reference to a base class to that of the derived class and vice versa.
// Correct and safe conversion -- no problem
office *office_ptr = dynamic_cast<office *>(ptr);
// Incorrect conversion -- throws an exception
garage *other_ptr = dynamic_cast<office *>(ptr);
  • This is to get executed a single option out of available multiple options.
  • When the other options will not satisfy the conditions than the perticular option that satisfy the condition will be executed.
  • All the opetions will be kept in separate blocks.
  • Those blocks are of 3 types generally.
  • They are Try block, Throw block and Catch block.
  • Try block will get the input statement.
  • If the condition does not satisfy than the Throw block which is kept inside the try block will throw the Exception to the immediate next Catch block.
  • The Catch block will check with the conditions and decids wheather to execute or it can also pass it to be executed throw another such set of blocks.
  • Multiple Try, Throw, Catch blocks can be kept inside a program.
Templates: It is a Generic function for the modules.
Types: a)class templates
b)Function templates
class templates: class templates is similar to class but defination is prefixed with template keyword. It is shown below,
template <class T>
class msys
T a,b;
msys( T c)
Function template: It is a generic funtion.
template<class T>
T fun_name(T a,T b)
T temp;
return temp=a+b;
STL (Standard Template Library):
  • STL is a Designed Template which is capable enough to handle the program in some easier way as most of the required functions are already implemented.
  • Those fuctions again are combined to create a module.
  • The main modules of a STL can be as:
  1. Containers
  2. Iterators
  3. Algorithms
  • Again the sub modules available inside each modules are:
  • Vector: A Random access sequential container. It looks like an array, but it can be expanded by inserting elements and datas can also be removed.
  • Dequeue: Similar to a vector but it is faster at inserting and deleting elements.
  • List: A doubly linked list.
  • Set: A set of items which are unordered and unique.
  • Multiset: Permits multiple items with same value.
  • Map: This is a container whose values can be looked up by a key. One value will be stored for each key.
  • Multimap: Multiple values can be stored for a single key.
Iterators:Iterators allow to go through a container and access the data inside.
  • Forward iterator
  • Reverse iterator
Performs the various algorithms like sorting mechanisms and all.
  • Find: Finds an item in acontaner.
  • Count: Counts the number of items in a container.
  • Equal: Checks wheather the containers are equal or not.
  • For_each: Runs each element of a container through a given function.
  • Copy: Copies a container.
  • Reverse: Reverses the order of the elements in the container.