- To deisign a Software , The requirements plays major role. If the requirements are statisfied then that sotware becomes great software.
- In designing a Software , The additional options may require which are not specified by the customer need to be considered.
Test Drive:
- Once Software design is completed , that has to under go Test drive. At this stagecustomers views is considered as mandatory and also get more informations relatated to modifications , updatations etc.
- Make a list of the customers requirements as well as modifications.
Use case:
Def:- A use case is a
methodology used in system analysis to identify, clarify,
and organize system requirements.
The use case is made up of a set of
possible sequences of interactions between systems and users in a
particular environment and related to a particular goal.
Use case are
meant to be understand by you , your mangers ,your customers and
other programmers.
A good use case
clearly and accurately signifies a system design.
It has 3 basic
a)Clear value
b)Start and Stop
c)External Initiator
c)External Initiator
- Every use case must have a Clear value to the system in order to satisify the customer
- Every use case must have a definite Starting and Stoping point. Something hast start the processs and there must be a condition that inidicates the process is end.
- Every use case is started off by an External initiator, outside the system.
Note:-Use cases are certainly a good start towards wrting a good software.
Main path(Complete path):
Def:A path through a use case from the
first step to last, is called Main path.
Alternate Path:
Def:Alternate paths are the
additional steps to main path. A alternate path is one or more steps
that a use case has that are optional or provided alternate ways
to work through the use case.
Most use cases have several different
scenarios but always share with same user goal
Note: Good use of use case
,requirements ,main paths and alternate paths leads to the
Requirements Changes:-
The requirement changes are not
predictable ,so the software design should be flexiable and it
should be ready to incorporate the new requirements and
modifications as on software grows.
are two cases of Software deployment.
1)Perfect world.
- While we design a Software , the real world things are not considered, So the Problems comes and need to solve the problems of software Desing with Analysis in the real world.
- Analysis helps to ensure and slove the problems in the real world context.
- The aim of Analysis is to figure out the potentail requirements of Software design
- Analysis and use case helps software designers to go in the right path and make it to work in the real world context.
Textual analysis helps us to translate use case into
code levels classes , attributes and operations.
Select a good nouns to present a class. To do this list
out all the possible nouns for a class. Make good analysis ,which
noun will fit the class name.
Verbs are part of use case/class. This verbs are used
for naming methods of a class.
class diagram is an illustration of the relationships and source code
dependencies among classes in the Unified Modeling Language .
The purpose of a class diagram is
to depict the classes within a model. In an object oriented
application,classes have attributes (member variables), operations
(member functions) and relation-ships with other classes.
diagrams give an esay way to show your system and its code
It gives a lot of
informations such as constructors,some type of infromations and the
purpose of operations on classes.
An attritbute
is a property of a class. The attributes in class digram usually map to the member variables to class.
Note:Based on the behaviour
and each use case , a class has to be defined. Behaviour is
the Generic of a class.
Design features:
- Design has purpose.They describe how something will work (in a context).
- Designs have enough information so that someone can implement them.
- There are different styles of design.Like different types of house architectures.
- Designs can be expressed at different levels of detail.A dog house needs less detail than a skyscraper.
Three steps of Great
- Make sure the software does what the customes wants
- Apply good object-oriented principles
- Strive for a maintainable, reusable design
Abstract Class:
class are the place holders for actual implementation classes.
class defines the behaviour and sub classes implement that
Note:If we find the same
behaviour at two or more places,it better to abstract that
behaviour into a class called abstract class and its extent
behaviour to subclass.
UML Definitions:
The Unified Modeling Language
(UML) is a graphical language for visualizing,
specifying, constructing, and documenting the artifacts of a software-intensive system.
The UML offers a standard way to write a system's blueprints, including conceptual
things such as business processes and system functions as well as concrete things such
as programming language statements, database schemas, and reusable software
specifying, constructing, and documenting the artifacts of a software-intensive system.
The UML offers a standard way to write a system's blueprints, including conceptual
things such as business processes and system functions as well as concrete things such
as programming language statements, database schemas, and reusable software
Actors :
Use Cases are typically related to 'actors', which are human or
machine entities that use or interact with the system to perform a
piece of meaningful work that helps them to achieve a goal. The set
of Use Cases an actor has access to defines their overall role in the
system and the scope of their action.
Class digrams:
class diagram is a diagram showing a collection of classes and
interfaces, along with the collaborations and relationships among
classes and interfaces.
inheritance relationship in UML is depicted by a peculiar triangular
arrowhead. This arrowhead, that looks rather like a slice of pizza,
points to the base class. One or more lines proceed from the base of
the arrowhead connecting it to the derived classes.
usally Is -A refers to inheritance. But not always.
Example: 1. “A sword Is -A
weapon ,so sword should extend weapon”. 2.“square Is-A
rectangle , so square should extend rectangle”.
Use inheritance when one
object behaves like another, rather than
when the Is-A relationship applies.
Here the beviour of square is different from rectangle.
when the Is-A relationship applies.
Here the beviour of square is different from rectangle.
Association:Association defines the relationship between two or
more classes in the System. These generally relates to the one
object having instance or reference of another object inside it.
Class student
class college
{ private: student s; };
Multiplicity:Multiplicity indicates the no of instance of one class
is linked to one instance of another class.
Aggregation: It is special form of Association
and means that one thing is made up(part in) of another thing .
Aggregation is a special type of ‘has-a’ relationship between
classes where one of the two participating classes is part of
other one.
It is more restrictive form of
“part of” association.
Aggregation represents the set of
Main Classes that are dependent on Sub- Classes, the Main class
cannot exists without Sub-Class but the Sub-Class can exists
without the Main Class.
class car //main class
Engine eng;
} ;
class Engine //sub class
In thsi example car is main class which depends on sub class becase
car is made of Engine.
But engine can be care or bike which doesnot depend Main class.
In UML ,it
is represented with arrow ended diamond symbol.
represents the set of Main Classes that are dependent on
Sub- Classes, the Main class cannot exists without Sub-Class and the
Sub-Class cannot exists without the Main Class. The Sub-Class can
represent only one composite relation with the Main class.
It is
stricter form of aggregation.
A strong
form of aggregation in which the “whole” is completely
responsible for its parts and each “part” object is only
associated to the one “whole” object
Composition relationships are a
strong form of Aggregation.
Composition is specified by an filled
solid diamond nearest the Main Class.
refers to compsotion or aggergation.
- Big problems can solved by breaking it into small functionality modules and slovethis modules individually.
- Use encapsulation to slove big problems because it allows you , smaller functionalities to be bind together with its data and member functions. Its helps for more flexible and easier to change. Use this concepts as much possible.
- Coding to an interface rather than an implementation makes your software more flexible.
- Analysis helps you ensure your system works in the real world context.
- The best way to get good requirements is to undesrstand what a system supposed to do.
- Analysis plays a vital role to slove the big problems.
- Great software is one , that has to change in easy manner , extend the requirements, should be flexible and does what customers want to do.
- Features/Requirements and use cases are the good starting point for software design.
- Start the flow of software design with getting informations ->features->requirements.
- A feature is the high level desciption of something a system needs. Starting with features of system is helpful in big projects. Any single feature can result mutliple requirements.
- Get the features form the customers and figure out the requirements you need to be implemented those features.
- Use case diagrams are the blue prints for the system design.
is process of identifying, collecting , organizing and representing
the relevant information of a domain. Based upon the study
existing systems and their development histories, knowledge captured
from the domain experts, underlying theory and emerging technology
within domain.
analysis is representing a system in language that the customer
understand. Domain analysis lets us check our designs and still
speak to customer's language.
view controller pattern:
(MVC) pattern
separates the modeling of the domain, the presentation, and the
actions based on user input into three separate classes
- Model. The model manages the behavior and
data of the application domain, responds to requests for information
about its state (usually from the view), and responds to
instructions to change state (usually from the controller).
- View. The view manages the display of
- Controller. The controller interprets the
mouse and keyboard inputs from the user, informing the model and/or
the view to change as appropriate.
Input --> Processing --> Output
Controller --> Model --> View Arichitecture
Architecture is the organizational structure of a system including
its decomposition into parts ,their connectivity, interaction
mechanism and the guiding principles and decesions that are use
in the design of a system.
Architecture is your design
structure and highlights the most important parts of your
application and the relationships between those parts.
- It outlooks the structure of application or system
- It identifies the key components of the system
- It gathers the relationship between the different parts of the system.
The architecture is the blue print for ths system. Architecture
reduces the risk of system design.
Blue prints:
- Requiremenst(Features ) ,especially use cases
- UML diagrams
- use cases
- classes
- package/component
- sequence
- others
- Interfaces
- key classes with methods
- prototypes
- Patterns
- etc.
Qs of architecture:
it part of the essence
of the system?
If you can’t
the system without it, it’s essential
you really understand
this feature
2. What the heck does it mean?
essence of a system is what that system is at its most basic level.
3.How can I implement it?
of knowledge
or non-existent technology
software engineering, a use case is a technique for capturing the
potential requirements of a new system or software change.
use case provides one or more scenarios that convey how the system
should interact with the end user or another system to achieve a
specific business goal.
cases typically avoid technical jargon, preferring instead the
language of the end user or domain expert.
A scenario is a brief
narrative, or story, that describes the hypothetical use of a
system. In one or more paragraphs, a scenario:
- Tells who is using the system and what they are trying to
- Provides a realistic, fictional account of a user's
constraints: when and where they are working, why they are using the
system, and what they need the system to do for them.
- Describes any relevant aspects of the context in which the
user is working with the system, including what information the user
has on hand when beginning to use the system.
- Gives the user a fictional name, but it also identifies the
user's role, such as student, faculty member, staff, or general
- Indicates what the user regards as a successful outcome of
using the system.
- Scenarios exhibit the key features.
scenario is a sequence of steps describing an interaction between a
user and a system.
scenario can be the one path through use case.
diagrams - Sequence diagrams to depict the workflow; similar to
Scenarios but graphically portrayed.
princilpe is a basic tool or technique that can be applied to
designining or writing a code to make the code more mintainable,
flexiable or extendable.
design principles helps us the sytem to maintainable, flexiable and
OO principles are a)Encapsulate what that varies.
b)Code to a interface rather than implementation.
c)Each class in an application should have one reason to change.
d)class should be based on behaviour and functionality.
closed principle(OCP):
class should be open for extension and close for modifications.
OCP is about
for flexbility and it is beyond the inheritance.
It is
combination of encapsulation and abstraction.
repeat yourself(DRY):
duplicating the code by abstracting out things that are common and
place those things in single location.
is about to have each piece of information and behaviour in a
single, sensible place.
resposibility principle(SRP):
object in a system should have single responsibility , and all the
object's services should be focused on carrying out that
class or object should have only one reason for it to change.
- Each responsibility should be a separate class, because each responsibility is an axis of change.
- A class should have one, and only one, reason to change.
- CRC (Class resposibility collaborator) cards help to
implement the SRP.
sub types must be substituable
for their base types.
If T
is class and S is a sub class of T, then every where you can use an
instance of T in your program , you must be able to use an
istance of S.
is when you hand over the responsibility for a particular task to
another class or method.
- Delegate is the reponsibility for a task to another class or object.
- Use when you want to use
another class's functionality without changing it or when you can
encapsulate varibility in a supporting task.
- Prefer delegation to inheritance.
Composition allows you to use the behavior from a family of other classes and to change the behavior at run time.
lets you choose behavior from a family of behaviors ,often via
several implementations of interface
Example: Pizza is the best example which
composed a lot of ingredients ,we can swap out the ingredients
without affecting the slice of pizza.Note:when a object is composed of other objects ,and owning object is destroyed , the objects which are part of the composition also get destoryed.
Aggregation: It is when one class is used as part of another class, but still exits outside of that another class.
Aggreation allows you to use the
behaviour from another class without limiting the life time of those
All the above three
OO techniques allow you to resue the behaviour without violating the
If you favour delegation, composition and aggregation over
inheritance , your software will usually be more flexiable , and
easier to maintain, extend and reuse.
software should be written in iterative manner.- There are 3 development approaches a) Feature driven Development
b)Use case driven
c)Test driven
Feature driven Development:
In this type of development , you
need to pick up a specific feature in your applications, and
plan , analyze and develop that feature to completion .
Feature driven development is more granular.
- Allows you to show customer , working code faster.
- It is functionality Driven , It doesn't allow any feature to forget.
- This works well, when different features that don't have interconnected whole part of it.
In this type of development ,you need to pick up a scenario through a use case
and write code to support the complete scenario through the use case.
Use case driven development is more “ Big picture”.
- Allows you customer to show the bigger pieces of
functionslity at each stage of development.
- It is very user centric. You'll code for all the different
ways a user can use.
- This works well when your applications consits lot of
processes and scenarios rather than individual functionality units.
- In this you need to write test scenarios for a piece of functionality before writing code for that functionality. Then you write software to pass all the tests.
- Tests allows you to make sure your software doesnot have any bugs.
- Good software development usually incroporates all of above development models at different stages of development cycle.
- Test driven development focuses on getting the behaviour of your class in right way.
- Good softwares are built iteratively. Design, analyze and then iterate again ,working on smaller and smalller parts of your applications.
- Each time you iterate, reevalute your design desions and don't be afraid to change something if it makes sense of your design.
- Design Decision are always Tradeoff.
- If progrmmar emphasis on commonality, theres is chance of avoid DRY principle.
- If programmar emphasis on variablity, Encapsualtions comes into picture and leads to the flexible design of the software.
Test case principles:
- Each test case should have an Id and name.
- Each test case should have an specific thing that it tests.
- Each test case sould have an input you supply.
- Each test case should have an out that you expect.
- Most test cases have starting state.
programming by contract sets an agreement about how your software behaves that you and users of your software agree to abide by.
Programming by contract is really
all about trust.
When you are
programming by contract ,you are working with client code agree on
how you handle problem situations.
Defensive programing
does not trust others softwares and does extensive error and data
checking to ensure other software doesnot give you bad or unsafe
When you are
programming defensively ,your making sure that client gets safe
response, no matter what the clients wants to happen.
Feature List:
Figure out what your application supposed to do at high level.
Features reflect functionality.
Use case
diagrams:Figure out what the external forces involved in the big
processes/system design.
Use case
diagrams let you start thinking about how your software will be used,
without geting unnecessary details.
Use case reflect usage of the
Note:Feature and
use case work together but they are not same.
Break up the problem: Break up the
application into modules of functionality and decide the order in
which need to tackle each module.
Requiremnets: Figure out the individual requirements for each module and make sure that fit in the big picture.
Domain analysis: Figure out the use cases that maps to the objects in your application and make sure the customer and designer in the right path.
Preliminary design: Identify the objects in an applications and define the relationship between the objects and apply the principles and patterns.
Implementation: Now write the code for each featutre or use case and make sure that it will work and test at each level.
Encapsulation: It is combination of data and behaviour, information hiding ,seperation of an interface from implementation.
Refactoring:Rectoring is the process of modifying the structure of your code without modifying its behaviour. Refactoring is done to increase the cleaness ,flexibility and extensiabilityof your code and usually related to a specfic improvements in your design.